Farms Friends : The Dependable Online Farmers Market In NJ

These days, many people are seeking a healthier relationship with the food they eat. They want to know where their food comes from, therefore, they prefer to buy fruits, vegetables, and other farm products are grown locally. Consuming locally grown fruits and vegetables means enjoying more locally produced fresh foods from farmers that not only have health benefits but have a wonderfully positive effect on the local economy. 

1. It has been found that stored food products have fewer antioxidants. However, locally grown food is believed to be more flavorful as the crops are plucked at the peak of ripeness.  

2. Eating local food implies eating seasonal fruits. Such fruits and vegetables have more nutrients and are far juicier and tastier than the off-season ones. 

3. You get the opportunity to try locally grown new food that is difficult to find in stores.

4. Consuming locally grown food supports the economy as the farmers reinvest with businesses and services in your community.

5. Purchasing locally grown food means that the food travels a shorter distance to the market. This causes less pollution and carbon emission in comparison to the exotic food that needs to travel a longer distance. 

6. Consuming locally grown food promotes a safer food supply. There are several food safety issues in the harvesting, washing, shipping, and distribution process for distantly grown food that can be eliminated if the food is locally grown. 

Farms Friend is an Online Farmers Market in NJ that endeavors to help the local farming community by providing farm products, farming tips, information, and farming services to the farming community at the most competitive rates. Farms Friend recognizes that finding New Jersey Farms for sale has never been so easy. It, therefore, has a dedicated team that assists the farming community in selling and leasing cultivable New Jersey Online Farms.

Farms Friend is committed to doing good – not only to the local farming community and customers but also to the environment and the community.


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